写一篇英语作文,介绍一下儿童汽车安全座椅有关的情况?历史:1.1962年,一位英国人制作了一个儿童汽车安全座椅.2.之后,人们不断改进,生产出了更好的座椅.作用:1.防止儿童从汽车上掉下去2.事故发生时保护儿童种类:针对儿童的年龄、身高和体重,有不同种类的座椅重要性:调查显示,车祸中许多儿童死亡的原因是没有使用儿童安全座椅(参考词语:a child car safety seat儿童汽车安全座椅)


重要性:调查显示,车祸中许多儿童死亡的原因是没有使用儿童安全座椅(参考词语:a child car safety seat儿童汽车安全座椅)
History: 1.1962 years, a British man made a children's car safety seat. 2. Later, people are constantly improvement, produce a better seat. Action: 1. To prevent children from the car fell down 2. At the time of the accident protect children categories: for children age, height, and weight, there are different types of seat importance: investigation shows, the car accident many children the cause of death is not to use child safety seat History: 1.1962 years, a British man made a children's car safety seat. 2. Later, people are constantly improvement, produce a better seat. Action: 1. To prevent children from the car fell down 2. At the time of the accident protect children categories: for children age, height, and weight, there are different types of seat importance: investigation shows, the car accident many children the cause of death is not to use child safety seat