初中英语作文这学期美籍老师Jim在到你校执教,阅读下表后写一篇短文介绍Jim,不少于10句话.姓名 年龄 国籍 工作 性格Jim 40 美国 英语老师 和善、乐于助人家庭 一儿一女,在阳光中学(Sunshine Secondary school)读书爱好 游泳;和学生一起打篮球老师的感受 非常喜欢这儿的生活学生的感受 (学生自由发挥,至少一点)


姓名 年龄 国籍 工作 性格
Jim 40 美国 英语老师 和善、乐于助人
家庭 一儿一女,在阳光中学(Sunshine Secondary school)读书
爱好 游泳;和学生一起打篮球
老师的感受 非常喜欢这儿的生活
学生的感受 (学生自由发挥,至少一点)
Came from America,Jim,a good English teacher in my school.He is very kind and we all like him and his teaching method. He is a warm-hearted man.He gives money to charity and always helps poor people. He has a son and a daughter,and his children are studing in Sunshine Secondary school.He likes swimming and playing basketball with students.He says he likes living here very much.I think he is a good teacher,and he is a good friend for me. Came from America,Jim,a good English teacher in my school.He is very kind and we all like him and his teaching method. He is a warm-hearted man.He gives money to charity and always helps poor people. He has a son and a daughter,and his children are studing in Sunshine Secondary school.He likes swimming and playing basketball with students.He says he likes living here very much.I think he is a good teacher,and he is a good friend for me.