英语翻译1.我的职业规划是面向企业管理,提供信息整合服务,加强在ERP、BI等大型系统项目的推导能力,努力成为客户、企业管理信息化实施的高级顾问.2.Because I want to change my working environment,I‘d like to find a job which is more challenging.3.我希望薪资待遇是年薪13万左右4.可以在接到正式通知的3周内上班


2.Because I want to change my working environment,I‘d like to find a job which is more challenging.
1 My career plan is to provide an information integration service oriented to business management,reinforce a pushing force of such a large systematic project as ERP and BI and strive to be a senior consultant for the customers and enterprises to implement informatization.
3 I am expecting an annual pay of about 130K.
4 I will be available within the 3 weeks from the date of offer letter issuing.
1 My career plan is to provide an information integration service oriented to business management,reinforce a pushing force of such a large systematic project as ERP and BI and strive to be a senior consultant for the customers and enterprises to implement informatization.
3 I am expecting an annual pay of about 130K.
4 I will be available within the 3 weeks from the date of offer letter issuing.