阅读短文,根据要求完成文后的题目.    Nick’s family had just moved to town,and today was his first day in a new school.Nick was nervous.He did not have any friends at this school.     Nick’s  mother  walked  with


    Nick’s family had just moved to town,and today was his first day in a new school.Nick was nervous.He did not have any friends at this school.
     Nick’s  mother  walked  with him to  school.He  walked into the  classroom  and chose a  desk at the back of the class.Nick’s new teacher came over to him and said,“Hello,I am Mrs.Smith.You must be Nick.”
     He shyly nodded his head.Then Mrs.Smith said,“Class,I’d like you to meet Nick.His family just moved here,and he is going to be in our class.”
    Nick was happy that Mrs.Smith introduced him to the class.He was even happier when the boy next to him said,“Hi,Nick.I’m Marcus.”
    The first part of the day went by very quickly.Mrs.Smith gave Nick all of the books he would need and showed him what chapter(章节)the class was working on.
      Soon,the lunch bell rang.Nick got nervous again.He did not want to eat his lunch by himself.As he walked into the lunchroom with the rest of his classmates,he started looking for a place to sit.Marcus invited Nick to sit with him.
      After school,Marcus  asked Nick  where he lived.Nick lived only three houses down the street from Marcus,so the boys agreed to walk home together.After they finished their homework,Marcus came over to Nick’s house to play catch.When Nick went  to bed that night,he could hardly wait for school the next day.

1.Why did Nick feel nervous on the first school day?(no more than  20 words)___
2.What do you think of the teacher Mrs.Smith?(no more than  6 words)___
3.Who was Nick’s new friend at the new school?(no more  than  2 words)___
1.根据问句的上下句“today was his first day in a new school.Nick was nervous.He did not have any friends at this school.”所以答案是:
  Because it was his first day in a new school and he did not have any friends there/at this school.
2.根据句子“Mrs.Smith said,“Class,I’d like you to meet Nick.”说明老师介绍Nick时很高兴愉快,并对同学提出要求,由此可以看出老师很和蔼、对新学
  生关心、友好.所以可以这样回答:I think she was kind/nice/helpful/friendly.
3.根据文中原句“He was even happier when the boy next to him said,‘Hi,Nick.I’m Marcus.’;Marcus invited Nick to sit with him.”可
5.给文章起题目,关键是找到中心句.本篇文章中心句:today was his first day in a new school.所以可以起题目:Nick’s First Day in a New School
1.根据问句的上下句“today was his first day in a new school.Nick was nervous.He did not have any friends at this school.”所以答案是:
  Because it was his first day in a new school and he did not have any friends there/at this school.
2.根据句子“Mrs.Smith said,“Class,I’d like you to meet Nick.”说明老师介绍Nick时很高兴愉快,并对同学提出要求,由此可以看出老师很和蔼、对新学
  生关心、友好.所以可以这样回答:I think she was kind/nice/helpful/friendly.
3.根据文中原句“He was even happier when the boy next to him said,‘Hi,Nick.I’m Marcus.’;Marcus invited Nick to sit with him.”可
5.给文章起题目,关键是找到中心句.本篇文章中心句:today was his first day in a new school.所以可以起题目:Nick’s First Day in a New School