英语翻译任何存在的东西都是合理的。(exist,定语从句。)作为幼儿园老师你要非常耐心。(too,否定词+TOO,双否=非常)早睡早起身体好。(good,be good to)后悔是没用的,你应该设法弥补损失。(It is no use doing )有迹象表明,饭店将越来越受普通家庭的欢迎。(It is shoud)他总有自己独特的思考问题的方式。(unique)如果你精通英语,找工作就不愁了。(have a good command of)我们不能否认环境影响睡眠质量的事实。(deny)有人看见小偷朝


早睡早起身体好。(good,be good to)
后悔是没用的,你应该设法弥补损失。(It is no use doing )
有迹象表明,饭店将越来越受普通家庭的欢迎。(It is shoud)
如果你精通英语,找工作就不愁了。(have a good command of)
有人看见小偷朝公园方向逃去。(用被动,in the directions of)
10~如果你愿意接受他们的挑战,你不妨先试试和他们接触。(might,as well)
5 -it is evident that the restaurant should be popular in families.
6 he always has a unique thinking style of his own.
7 if you are good at English ,you will have a good command of your jobs-seeking.
8 we can not deny the environment can affect the quality of sleeping.
9 the thief was seen to run in the direction of park.
10 if you would like to accept their challenges ,you might try to get a small touch with them as well
5 -it is evident that the restaurant should be popular in families.
6 he always has a unique thinking style of his own.
7 if you are good at English ,you will have a good command of your jobs-seeking.
8 we can not deny the environment can affect the quality of sleeping.
9 the thief was seen to run in the direction of park.
10 if you would like to accept their challenges ,you might try to get a small touch with them as well