英语翻译在我小时候,我也做过剪纸,虽然难,但很有趣.中国的剪纸是红色的,红色是美好生活的象征.麻烦关于这个主题 剪纸 在创意三句.


在我小时候,我也做过剪纸,虽然难,但很有趣.中国的剪纸是红色的,红色是美好生活的象征.麻烦关于这个主题 剪纸 在创意三句.
When I was young,I used to do the paper-cut.Though it's kind of difficult,I found it very interesting.
In China,people usually do paper-cut with red papers,whose color stands for a brighter future.
And it contains a wish for good luck and happiness.
Traditionally,paper-cut is a important part in the chain of the preparation during the Spring Festival.
Every year,the olders will get together and help each other with the paper-cuts.
And that's the opportunity I can learn about it and get improvement.
When I was young,I used to do the paper-cut.Though it's kind of difficult,I found it very interesting.
In China,people usually do paper-cut with red papers,whose color stands for a brighter future.
And it contains a wish for good luck and happiness.
Traditionally,paper-cut is a important part in the chain of the preparation during the Spring Festival.
Every year,the olders will get together and help each other with the paper-cuts.
And that's the opportunity I can learn about it and get improvement.