英语翻译2)john比daniel学的课程少,所以他的空闲时间比daniel多3)他爸要请一天假去开家长会,4)那三个男孩在认真听课.其中,西蒙听的最认真.5)每天我们有两个小时的家庭作业.6)我爷爷每天下一小时棋7)我们暑假长达两个月8,我喜欢穿校服,但我不喜欢带领带 不要网络翻译


2)john比daniel学的课程少,所以他的空闲时间比daniel多3)他爸要请一天假去开家长会,4)那三个男孩在认真听课.其中,西蒙听的最认真.5)每天我们有两个小时的家庭作业.6)我爷爷每天下一小时棋7)我们暑假长达两个月8,我喜欢穿校服,但我不喜欢带领带 不要网络翻译

He joins the least hobby group of us three.

John has less courses than Daniel,so he has more free time than Daniel

His father needs to ask for a day leave to attend his parents meeting

Those three boys are listening to the teacher carefully.Amony them.Simon is the most careful

Everyday we have two hours' homework

My grandpa play a hour of chess everyday

Our summer vocation is as long as eight months

I like wearing school uniform,but I don't like wearing tie.

He joins the least hobby group of us three.

John has less courses than Daniel,so he has more free time than Daniel

His father needs to ask for a day leave to attend his parents meeting

Those three boys are listening to the teacher carefully.Amony them.Simon is the most careful

Everyday we have two hours' homework

My grandpa play a hour of chess everyday

Our summer vocation is as long as eight months

I like wearing school uniform,but I don't like wearing tie.
