初学英语写日记,求指导~每日一篇,有不对的地方帮忙改正一下,(4)有用到之前几篇大家修改后的句子,不知道今天的作文有没有进步,欢迎继续修改...It's Tuesday today.The weather is good.I got up early and went to work as usual.A mate gave me some fruit when I came to the company.I'm so happy.What a beautiful day!I wish tomorrow


It's Tuesday today.The weather is good.I got up early and went to work as usual.
A mate gave me some fruit when I came to the company.I'm so happy.
What a beautiful day!I wish tomorrow will still have good luck.
Good night~
通常表示天气的时候我们不会说the weather is...而是说it's sunny/rainy/cloudy today.
tomorrow和today一样,通常我们不会用他做主语,只会用它做状语,最后一句一般说成I wish to have a good luck tomorrow.或I wish I would have a good luck tomorrow.
通常表示天气的时候我们不会说the weather is...而是说it's sunny/rainy/cloudy today.
tomorrow和today一样,通常我们不会用他做主语,只会用它做状语,最后一句一般说成I wish to have a good luck tomorrow.或I wish I would have a good luck tomorrow.