请英语高手高手翻一下面的句子,谢谢!要人工翻译汉译英 1.你从什么时候开始学的汉语,多长时间了? 2.汉语老师都教你什么了? 3.你每天都上汉语课吗? 4.你认为你多长时间能学好汉语? 5.你对汉语感兴趣吗?会不会因为一点挫折而放弃学习? 6.你几点上课? 7.在你的班级学汉语的多吗? 8.电脑的问题还没修好吗? 9我发现你最近上网的次数越来越少了,这是为什么? 10.我问的问题很多,我没把你问烦吧!我相信你的汉语终有一天会说的和我一


汉译英 1.你从什么时候开始学的汉语,多长时间了? 2.汉语老师都教你什么了? 3.你每天都上汉语课吗? 4.你认为你多长时间能学好汉语? 5.你对汉语感兴趣吗?会不会因为一点挫折而放弃学习? 6.你几点上课? 7.在你的班级学汉语的多吗? 8.电脑的问题还没修好吗? 9我发现你最近上网的次数越来越少了,这是为什么? 10.我问的问题很多,我没把你问烦吧!我相信你的汉语终有一天会说的和我一样流利,这样我们才能更好的沟通互帮互助! 以上是要翻译的内容,不要用翻译器翻译!谢谢!
When have you started learning Chinese, and how long have you been learning it?
What has your Chinese teacher taught you?
Do you have Chinese lessons every day?
How long do you think it will take you to master your Chinese?
Are you interested in Chinese? Would you give up studying it just because of a small snag?
At what time do you start classes?
Are there many people studying Chinese in you class?
You still haven't solved the problem of repairing the computer?
I have discovered that you are browsing less and less lately, why is it?
I hope I haven't annoyed you in asking so many questions! I believe your Chinese will become as fluent as mine some day, which will encourage us to help each other in communicating.
When have you started learning Chinese, and how long have you been learning it?
What has your Chinese teacher taught you?
Do you have Chinese lessons every day?
How long do you think it will take you to master your Chinese?
Are you interested in Chinese? Would you give up studying it just because of a small snag?
At what time do you start classes?
Are there many people studying Chinese in you class?
You still haven't solved the problem of repairing the computer?
I have discovered that you are browsing less and less lately, why is it?
I hope I haven't annoyed you in asking so many questions! I believe your Chinese will become as fluent as mine some day, which will encourage us to help each other in communicating.