英语翻译摘要:绿色材料的概念是在1988年第一届国际材料科学研究会上首次提出.1992年国际学术界给绿色材料定义为:在原料采取、产品制造、应用过程和使用以后的再生循环利用等环节中对地球环境负荷最小和对人类身体健康无害的材料.关键词:绿色建材 建筑材料 健康 环保 可持续发展


关键词:绿色建材 建筑材料 健康 环保 可持续发展
summary:the concept of green material was in 1988,the first international materials science research for first put forward at the meeting.In 1992,the international academic community defined green material as the raw material,produce product,application process and after use of renewable recycling and other links to the environment load in minimum and harmless to human bodys'health of material. summary:the concept of green material was in 1988,the first international materials science research for first put forward at the meeting.In 1992,the international academic community defined green material as the raw material,produce product,application process and after use of renewable recycling and other links to the environment load in minimum and harmless to human bodys'health of material.