英语翻译我个人认为英语即使在当今也仍然是一门必不可少的语言.不仅可以帮助我们更好的认识世界,了解世界,而且对于我们以后出国留学也很有帮助. 我目前的雅思成绩是8分,主要擅长翻译(仅限于英译汉),以及听音,如今在几家字幕组做字幕的后期润色工作,我在英语学习上的问题主要集中在语法和作文问题上,但是我觉得经过努力,我应该可以搞定它们. 我提的建议是:请减少在课堂上对学生们的训练,因为那样不仅浪费时间,而且对学生们的好处也极为有限因为靠那点无聊的训练在不到一年半的时间里就想将海南学生的英语水平提高简直是天方夜谭
English Is still an essential language even today in my view.It not only help us to understand the world better,but also is very helpful for us to study abroad.
Now my IELTS score is 8 points,and I specialized in English-Chinese Translation &
English Listening.Now I am in charge of post-production stages for several subtitle organization.However,there's still something wrong with my english grammar and writing,nevermind,I should be able to handle them through my efforts.
I have a proposal to reduce training in the classroom,for it is a waste of time, and the students benefit is extremely limited.it's impossible to improve the english level of HaiNan students satisfactorily In less than a year and a half,i can say.
English Is still an essential language even today in my view.It not only help us to understand the world better,but also is very helpful for us to study abroad.
Now my IELTS score is 8 points,and I specialized in English-Chinese Translation &
English Listening.Now I am in charge of post-production stages for several subtitle organization.However,there's still something wrong with my english grammar and writing,nevermind,I should be able to handle them through my efforts.
I have a proposal to reduce training in the classroom,for it is a waste of time, and the students benefit is extremely limited.it's impossible to improve the english level of HaiNan students satisfactorily In less than a year and a half,i can say.