

September 23rd sunny

It was sunny today. I spent the whole morning with the math lesson.At noon, I complained about too much homework , so I didn't have lunch and did homework alone. My mother was angry and argued with me because she lost 50yuan, I was unhappy and didn't accept my classmate's invitation. In the afternoon, I went to the net bar to play computer games. In the evening, I went to visit my aunt in hospital. I read some books and I was ready to take a shower. I went to sleep
September 23rd sunny

It was sunny today. I spent the whole morning with the math lesson.At noon, I complained about too much homework , so I didn't have lunch and did homework alone. My mother was angry and argued with me because she lost 50yuan, I was unhappy and didn't accept my classmate's invitation. In the afternoon, I went to the net bar to play computer games. In the evening, I went to visit my aunt in hospital. I read some books and I was ready to take a shower. I went to sleep