小学英语教师招聘考试作文题目是How to organize the class effectively and perfectly? 谁有更好的答案呢作文要求:1. 180字左右 2.即将踏入小学英语教师行列的你将如何应对调皮好动的小学生呢?


小学英语教师招聘考试作文题目是How to organize the class effectively and perfectly? 谁有更好的答案呢
作文要求:1. 180字左右 2.即将踏入小学英语教师行列的你将如何应对调皮好动的小学生呢?
how to organize the class effectively and perfectly?
The goal of nurture is make students to learn. First we should to learn more psychological of student,we will know about what are they like or unlike? then we must be well up in the lesson and the key point,we should arrange the key point at the first of the class ,because the students will be in concentration at the beginning of the class. And in the class, we should add some picture or music or small games to arouse the enthuiasm of students.
At lase, for the naugty students ,don't criticize them on the class ,on the contrary,you should praise them properly,and do something interesting about lesson to help them study.
how to organize the class effectively and perfectly?
The goal of nurture is make students to learn. First we should to learn more psychological of student,we will know about what are they like or unlike? then we must be well up in the lesson and the key point,we should arrange the key point at the first of the class ,because the students will be in concentration at the beginning of the class. And in the class, we should add some picture or music or small games to arouse the enthuiasm of students.
At lase, for the naugty students ,don't criticize them on the class ,on the contrary,you should praise them properly,and do something interesting about lesson to help them study.