英语翻译就这段话 大概翻译一下 课程概述:经济法这门课程在授课过程中主要讲授以下一些内容:经济法基础理论、合伙企业法、公司法、合同法、工业产权法、消费者权益保护法、经济仲裁、经济诉讼等.教学目的:通过对经济法这门课程的学习,使学生掌握那些经常适用以规范经济行为、调整经济关系的,并且是对国家经济秩序和社会经济生活的稳定起着重要作用的单行的经济法律、法规的基本内容,理解有关法律规定的精神实质.通过学习达到正确运用法律的规定来解决实际问题这样一个程度.教学方法:经济法是实践比较强的一门专业基础课.主要采取课堂讲


就这段话 大概翻译一下
general course description:
economic law mainly contains following contents:The basic theory of economic law, The partnership enterprise law, company act, Contract law, industrial property law, consumer protection law,economic arbitration, economic litigation, etc.
teaching goal:
by learning economic law, students can get the hang of the general economic laws and rules which are often applied into regulating economic action, adjusting economic relationship, and which plays an important roal in the stablity of national economic order and social economic life. Also, students can learn the mental essence of laws and rules and rightly use these rules through learning to solve actual problems.
teaching method:economic law is a professional basic course which needs more practice, adopting lecturing, discussing,case,moot court as well as multimedia way.
general course description:
economic law mainly contains following contents:The basic theory of economic law, The partnership enterprise law, company act, Contract law, industrial property law, consumer protection law,economic arbitration, economic litigation, etc.
teaching goal:
by learning economic law, students can get the hang of the general economic laws and rules which are often applied into regulating economic action, adjusting economic relationship, and which plays an important roal in the stablity of national economic order and social economic life. Also, students can learn the mental essence of laws and rules and rightly use these rules through learning to solve actual problems.
teaching method:economic law is a professional basic course which needs more practice, adopting lecturing, discussing,case,moot court as well as multimedia way.