英语翻译1.军训是一次很好的学习独立生活的机会.*(a…opportunity to ) 2.这是一些教你如何与外国人交流的建议.(tip) 3.一个月后,他们喀什互相交流学习经验.(exchange) 4.在战斗中,那些士兵坚守自己的岗位,直到打败敌人(stick to|) 5为了使学生们在课上保持专注,老师经常提一些有趣但有意义的问题


1.军训是一次很好的学习独立生活的机会.*(a…opportunity to ) 2.这是一些教你如何与外国人交流的建议.(tip) 3.一个月后,他们喀什互相交流学习经验.(exchange) 4.在战斗中,那些士兵坚守自己的岗位,直到打败敌人(stick to|) 5为了使学生们在课上保持专注,老师经常提一些有趣但有意义的问题
1. Military training is a good opportunity for us to learn Independent Living. 2. These are the tips that they can teach you how to communiccate with foreiners. 3. A month later, they exchanged their Learning Experience with each other. 4. During the flutter, those sodliers sticked to their Responsibility,until they beat the enemy. 5. In order to keep the students' attention, the teachers often come up with some Interesting and valuable questions.
1. Military training is a good opportunity for us to learn Independent Living. 2. These are the tips that they can teach you how to communiccate with foreiners. 3. A month later, they exchanged their Learning Experience with each other. 4. During the flutter, those sodliers sticked to their Responsibility,until they beat the enemy. 5. In order to keep the students' attention, the teachers often come up with some Interesting and valuable questions.