英语翻译你能详细为我们描述你的美国的生活吗?(in detail )每次去超市前我都要列一个购物清单(draw up )他对可能发生的事情了如指掌(have an insight into )她为自己能讲很多外国语而感到自豪(pride oneself on )她的话使我放心(at rest)消防员花了2个小时才把火势控制住(.keep...under control)


你能详细为我们描述你的美国的生活吗?(in detail )
每次去超市前我都要列一个购物清单(draw up )
他对可能发生的事情了如指掌(have an insight into )
她为自己能讲很多外国语而感到自豪(pride oneself on )
她的话使我放心(at rest)
消防员花了2个小时才把火势控制住(.keep...under control)
Can you describe your life in America in detail?
I draw up a shopping list everytime before I go to shopping center(supermarket).
He has an insight into potential happening.
She prides herself on the ability of speaking multinational language.
Her words makes me at rest.
Firefighters spent two hours to keep the fire under control.
Can you describe your life in America in detail?
I draw up a shopping list everytime before I go to shopping center(supermarket).
He has an insight into potential happening.
She prides herself on the ability of speaking multinational language.
Her words makes me at rest.
Firefighters spent two hours to keep the fire under control.