英语翻译1 这个问题对每个人来说都有不同答案,很难说谁对谁错.2 相对于快节奏的生活,我更希望慢节奏的.3 珍惜时间是对的,但长时间快节奏生活会带来一系列问题4 要学会享受生活,工作不是生活的全部5 慢节奏生活并不意味着浪费时间,而是合理安排工作与休息.6 休息 娱乐 与家人相处是非常必要的,否则会错过很多东西不用一字不差的翻译,大概意思到了就好。其实是关于快慢节奏生活的讨论,有相关的句子都可以。这也是我仅有的财富了


1 这个问题对每个人来说都有不同答案,很难说谁对谁错.
2 相对于快节奏的生活,我更希望慢节奏的.
3 珍惜时间是对的,但长时间快节奏生活会带来一系列问题
4 要学会享受生活,工作不是生活的全部
5 慢节奏生活并不意味着浪费时间,而是合理安排工作与休息.
6 休息 娱乐 与家人相处是非常必要的,否则会错过很多东西
1.For each person has a different answer this question,it is hard to say who is right and who is wrong.
2.Compared with the fast pace of life.I also hope that the slow - paced
3.Cherish the time is right,but fast pace of life will bring about a series of problems for a long time
4.We must learn how to enjoy life,work is not life at all
5.Slow - paced life does not mean a waste of time,but a reasonable arrangement of work and rest.
6.Entertainment and rest family is very necessary,otherwise they will miss a lot of things
1.For each person has a different answer this question,it is hard to say who is right and who is wrong.
2.Compared with the fast pace of life.I also hope that the slow - paced
3.Cherish the time is right,but fast pace of life will bring about a series of problems for a long time
4.We must learn how to enjoy life,work is not life at all
5.Slow - paced life does not mean a waste of time,but a reasonable arrangement of work and rest.
6.Entertainment and rest family is very necessary,otherwise they will miss a lot of things
相关标签: 英语翻译 答案 快节奏 节奏 珍惜 长时间