英语翻译1.占多数人口的白种人自认为是上等种族,是高智力、高教养、高素养、高境界的人种,而视其他所谓有色种族和民族为下等人,是低智力、低教养、低素养、低境界的人种.2.在福克纳所处的那个时代,以加尔文主义为核心的基督教新教势力,主宰着整个南方 社会的政治、经济和文化,支持着奴隶制和种族主义,控制着人们的思想和行为.加尔 文主义是16世纪欧洲***改革运动产生出来的一个新的派别,它一方面要求对社会进行 激烈改革,强调人与上帝之间的直接联系;另一方面又僵硬地信奉原罪和命运生前决定 的教义,压制人的欲望,谴责任


2.在福克纳所处的那个时代,以加尔文主义为核心的基督教新教势力,主宰着整个南方 社会的政治、经济和文化,支持着奴隶制和种族主义,控制着人们的思想和行为.加尔 文主义是16世纪欧洲***改革运动产生出来的一个新的派别,它一方面要求对社会进行 激烈改革,强调人与上帝之间的直接联系;另一方面又僵硬地信奉原罪和命运生前决定 的教义,压制人的欲望,谴责任何形式的娱乐和享受.“加尔文化了的耶和华”,具有 一种严厉而毫不宽容的特质,是《旧约》中那个不断惩罚的“部落之神”[2].美国南 方人信奉的就是这样一个严厉而僵化了的上帝,生活中的“享受被等同于罪恶”,生活 成了人们“自己把自己不断地钉在十字架上的过程”[3].福克纳就是生活在这样一个 ***保守势力横行的社会环境中.他的家庭也信奉传统的基督教.他的曾祖父“是一个 在***原则上绝无还价可讲的人.他的原则之一就是每天早餐前,每个人从小孩到大人 都必须准备好一段《圣经》摘录,并流利地背诵.不然的话,就别想吃早饭”[4].
1 Accounts for the most populations the caucasian confessed for is the superior race, is high intelligence, high education, high accomplishment, the high boundary race, but regards other so-called colored races and the nationality is the third-rater, is low intelligence, low education, low accomplishment, the low boundary race.
2 That time locates which in Faulkner, take the calvinism as the core Christianity protestantism influence, is controlling the entire south society's politics, the economy and the culture, is supporting the slavery and racism, is controlling people's thought and the behavior.20 Fang Ren believes in is such severe ossified God, in the life enjoys is equated in the evil, lived the people;own oneself unceasing foot pin rod on cross process
Faulkner is the life in the social environment which this kind of old guard runs amuck.His family also believes in traditional Christianity.His paternal great-grandfather;is one? 20 in principle does not certainly have the human who the counter-offer may say.One of his principles is in front of the daily breakfast, each person from child to big ? 20 all must prepare a section "Holy Bible" to extract, and recites fluently.Otherwise, do not want to have the breakfast
1 Accounts for the most populations the caucasian confessed for is the superior race, is high intelligence, high education, high accomplishment, the high boundary race, but regards other so-called colored races and the nationality is the third-rater, is low intelligence, low education, low accomplishment, the low boundary race.
2 That time locates which in Faulkner, take the calvinism as the core Christianity protestantism influence, is controlling the entire south society's politics, the economy and the culture, is supporting the slavery and racism, is controlling people's thought and the behavior.20 Fang Ren believes in is such severe ossified God, in the life enjoys is equated in the evil, lived the people;own oneself unceasing foot pin rod on cross process
Faulkner is the life in the social environment which this kind of old guard runs amuck.His family also believes in traditional Christianity.His paternal great-grandfather;is one? 20 in principle does not certainly have the human who the counter-offer may say.One of his principles is in front of the daily breakfast, each person from child to big ? 20 all must prepare a section "Holy Bible" to extract, and recites fluently.Otherwise, do not want to have the breakfast