托福TPO4阅读So do the naturalistic paintings on slabs of stone excavated in southern Africa.Some of those slabs appear to have been painted as much as 28,000 years ago,which suggests that painting in Africa is as old as painting in Europe.But painting may be


So do the naturalistic paintings on slabs of stone excavated in southern Africa.Some of those slabs appear to have been painted as much as 28,000 years ago,which suggests that painting in Africa is as old as painting in Europe.But painting may be even older than that.The early Australians may have painted on the walls of rock shelters and cliff faces at least 30,000 years ago,and maybe as much as 60,000 years ago.
2.Paragraph 1 supports which of the following statements about painting in Europe?
B It is as much as 28,000 years old.Africa
C It is not as old as painting in southern Africa.
C为什么不对啊原文中不是有一句But painting may be even older than that这里的painting指的是Europe的还是Africa的?
  1. B是原文明确给出的答案

  2. 从原文的资料只能知道“一样”这个概念,不能得出C.从下文又换成了对austalian的叙述可以看出,此处painting指的是一个大概念,即最后两句话都在探讨painting的历史问题,分别说了europe,africa和australian.所以c不对.


  1. B是原文明确给出的答案

  2. 从原文的资料只能知道“一样”这个概念,不能得出C.从下文又换成了对austalian的叙述可以看出,此处painting指的是一个大概念,即最后两句话都在探讨painting的历史问题,分别说了europe,africa和australian.所以c不对.


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