英语口语课话题too much knowledge is a dangerous thing 赞成和反对的观点都需要中文的观点也行


英语口语课话题too much knowledge is a dangerous thing 赞成和反对的观点都需要
disagree: 1. broaden our horizon; 2, lift up our thoughts into a new stage; 3, more knowledge we know, more fulfilling our life would be;
agree: 1. too much knowledge would isolate us from normal group, as most of famous philosophers are lonely cuz few people would understand them well; 2, it would drive us into a dilemma cuz we know too much and we don't know which should be the correct one; 3. it 's dangerous cuz it would get people lost themselves and even drive people to do something unbelieveble or disunderstanding, like some horrible scientists in spiderman.
disagree: 1. broaden our horizon; 2, lift up our thoughts into a new stage; 3, more knowledge we know, more fulfilling our life would be;
agree: 1. too much knowledge would isolate us from normal group, as most of famous philosophers are lonely cuz few people would understand them well; 2, it would drive us into a dilemma cuz we know too much and we don't know which should be the correct one; 3. it 's dangerous cuz it would get people lost themselves and even drive people to do something unbelieveble or disunderstanding, like some horrible scientists in spiderman.