我们要准备英语口语考试,10个话题,有英语水平好的吗,长短一分钟就行,Topics for Oral Test 1. What’s the weather like in your hometown?Do you like it or not and why?2. What do you want to do when you graduate from our school?3. Do you like developing friendship or love with a online pen pa


Topics for Oral Test
1. What’s the weather like in your hometown?Do you like it or not and why?
2. What do you want to do when you graduate from our school?
3. Do you like developing friendship or love with a online pen pal?Why or why not?
4. In our school,all the clubs and societies are trying their best to attract new guys.Do you want to take part in one of them and why?
5. If a foreigner comes to visit our university,how do you make a brief introduction of our campus to him or her?
6. Do you have a mobile phone?If you do,do you think it’s good or bad?If you don’t,would you like to buy one?Why?
7. What sports and pastimes do you like?Talk about at least two of them.
8. College life and middle school life are so different.Do you need a change and how?
9. What’s your own way of spending two-day weekend?Anything special?You are welcome to name some advisable choices for our weekend.
10. What is your favorite holiday?Why?
(Reference:Spring Festival,Moon’s Day,Thanksgiving Day,Easter,Christmas.)
chose the fourth one:In our school, all the clubs and societies are trying their best to attract new guys. Do you want to take part in one of them and why?
I want to be one of them. Firstly, because there are many things can't be done by only one person in this world and it's a chance for me to learn to cooperate with others. Secondly, as a member of the club, if I successfully help my club recruit new members, I will feel very happy and satisfied. Because if you do nothing for your club, how can you say you are a member of it? Thirdly, a club needs new blood to bring new ideas to it. Only in this way can a club stay competitive and can us club members benefit more from it. A club is a place we exchange ideas and pour our energy and passion into. We had to pay something first then gain. 哈哈
chose the fourth one:In our school, all the clubs and societies are trying their best to attract new guys. Do you want to take part in one of them and why?
I want to be one of them. Firstly, because there are many things can't be done by only one person in this world and it's a chance for me to learn to cooperate with others. Secondly, as a member of the club, if I successfully help my club recruit new members, I will feel very happy and satisfied. Because if you do nothing for your club, how can you say you are a member of it? Thirdly, a club needs new blood to bring new ideas to it. Only in this way can a club stay competitive and can us club members benefit more from it. A club is a place we exchange ideas and pour our energy and passion into. We had to pay something first then gain. 哈哈