Use all of the following words to write an article (not less than 100 words)1.small savings2.time deposit3.savings deposit4.lump-sum deposit5.lump-sum withdrawal 希望有英文高手帮忙写一篇.100单词就好!但是绝对不要复制粘贴的!麻烦在5月5日前


Use all of the following words to write an article (not less than 100 words)
1.small savings
2.time deposit
3.savings deposit
4.lump-sum deposit
5.lump-sum withdrawal 希望有英文高手帮忙写一篇.100单词就好!但是绝对不要复制粘贴的!
Do you have small savings every month?I suggest you should deposit these savings to the bank regularly.What Lump-sum deposit & withdrawal time deposit refers to savings deposit whose principal is depo... Do you have small savings every month?I suggest you should deposit these savings to the bank regularly.What Lump-sum deposit & withdrawal time deposit refers to savings deposit whose principal is depo...