中译英 语法要对 1孩子们在大街上踢球是危险的2我们在两个星期之内学好一门外语是不可能的3众首周知,我们的环境已经被严重污染了4正如医生所建议的那样,我们每天应睡足8个小时 5我想读一些有趣的东西6正如预料的那样,我们当中没有一个人迟到7他们说,上个星期卖掉了那些家具8我们每天锻炼身体,对健康有好处9一项新的研究表明,动物也有记忆力10据说他已经回国了


中译英 语法要对
1孩子们在大街上踢球是危险的2我们在两个星期之内学好一门外语是不可能的3众首周知,我们的环境已经被严重污染了4正如医生所建议的那样,我们每天应睡足8个小时 5我想读一些有趣的东西6正如预料的那样,我们当中没有一个人迟到7他们说,上个星期卖掉了那些家具8我们每天锻炼身体,对健康有好处9一项新的研究表明,动物也有记忆力10据说他已经回国了
It's very dangerous for children to play football in the street.
It's impossible for us to learn a second language well in two weeks.
As we all konw our environment has been polluted seriously.
As the doctor suggested,we should sleep for eight hours everyday.
I want to read something interesting.
Just as expected, none of us was late.
They said that all those sets of furniture was sold out last week
Exercising everyday is good for our health
A new study shows that animals also have memory.
It's said that he has been home already.
It's very dangerous for children to play football in the street.
It's impossible for us to learn a second language well in two weeks.
As we all konw our environment has been polluted seriously.
As the doctor suggested,we should sleep for eight hours everyday.
I want to read something interesting.
Just as expected, none of us was late.
They said that all those sets of furniture was sold out last week
Exercising everyday is good for our health
A new study shows that animals also have memory.
It's said that he has been home already.