情景交际 根据对话内容,在空白处填上恰当的单词、短语或句子,使对话完整、通顺。 A: Have you ever been an April fool? B: (1) A: What happened? B: On an Apri l Fool ’s Day when my sister (2) I got up quickly and then rushed to school without eating breakfast. A: And then? B




A: Have you ever been an April fool?

B: (1)____________________________

A: What happened?

B: On an Apri l Fool ’s Day when my sister (2)____________________________ I got up quickly and then rushed to school without eating breakfast.

A: And then?

B: When I arri ved at the school I found that (3)____________________________ was there. 21032

A: Why?

B: Beca use it was Saturday. Have you ever had the same experience as me?

A: Of course. Once my best friend invited me to see a film.

B: (4)____________________________.

A: Happy? By the time I got to the cinema the film had ended.

B: Bad luck! (5)____________________________?

A: It was April Fool’ s Day. My friend played a joke on me. She sent me to the cinema after the film had finished.


1. Yes I have  2. woke me up  3. nobody / no one

4. You must have been very happy   5. What was wrong

1. Yes I have  2. woke me up  3. nobody / no one

4. You must have been very happy   5. What was wrong
