英语短文改错,Dear Mr.Harrington,I saw your name on a list of teacher of French who(1.)wish to spend the holidays in France this summer.(2.)I am a teacher of English in a village.I should very(3.)much like to spend some time in England because of it(4.)was many


Dear Mr.Harrington,
I saw your name on a list of teacher of French who(1.)
wish to spend the holidays in France this summer.(2.)
I am a teacher of English in a village.I should very(3.)
much like to spend some time in England because of it(4.)
was many years since I had an opportunity to practise my(5.)
English.Perhaps that we could exchange houses for three(6.)
weeks in late July and early August.I shall tell you(7.)
much about Saint-Simon and the surrounding countryside(8.)
when and if you express interesting in my plan.I look(9.)
forward to hear from you.(10.)
Your Sincerely,
1teacher改teachers,因为list名单上的老师必定是复数2wish改wished,用过去时,I saw your name.这句话都市过去式3正确4去掉it,因为because接从句,because of 接短语词组5was改is,因为已经有好多年了,自从我有机会练习... 1teacher改teachers,因为list名单上的老师必定是复数2wish改wished,用过去时,I saw your name.这句话都市过去式3正确4去掉it,因为because接从句,because of 接短语词组5was改is,因为已经有好多年了,自从我有机会练习...