英语翻译(四) 生态旅游的社会生态价值链。大自然是一切科学发展的泉源,提供科学研究的环境。无论是生物科学、自然科学、或是工程科学都可从自然中找出法则。同时,旅游资源提供了社会学、历史学、考古学等人文学科的研究场所。(五) 生态旅游的经济影响体现为三个方面:直接、间接和交叉影响。直接影响反映在单个旅游者会由于生态旅游环境和行为支出增加,而间接影响体现为提高其它的旅游消费行为,交叉影响是生态旅游带来的诸如"口碑效应"等潜在影响。生态旅游具有的可持续发展观能够不断地促进区域的经济活动,通过经济利益的再分配过程可


(四) 生态旅游的社会生态价值链。大自然是一切科学发展的泉源,提供科学研究的环境。无论是生物科学、自然科学、或是工程科学都可从自然中找出法则。同时,旅游资源提供了社会学、历史学、考古学等人文学科的研究场所。
(五) 生态旅游的经济影响体现为三个方面:直接、间接和交叉影响。直接影响反映在单个旅游者会由于生态旅游环境和行为支出增加,而间接影响体现为提高其它的旅游消费行为,交叉影响是生态旅游带来的诸如"口碑效应"等潜在影响。生态旅游具有的可持续发展观能够不断地促进区域的经济活动,通过经济利益的再分配过程可以使社会分工达到合理化,扩大社会就业机会。生态旅游构筑的价值链不仅仅是现实经济意义上的,也是潜在的,长期的。
(四) 生态旅游的社会生态价值链.大自然是一切科学发展的泉源,提供科学研究的环境.无论是生物科学、自然科学、或是工程科学都可从自然中找出法则.同时,旅游资源提供了社会学、历史学、考古学等人文学科的研究场所.
4.The social ecological value chain of ecotourism. Nature is the source for the development of all scientific fields, and provides the environment for scientific research. No matter it is biological science, natural science, or engineering science they all can find rules from nature. In the same time tourism rssources provide humanities, such as sociology, history, and archaeology with the research places.
(五) 生态旅游的经济影响体现为三个方面:
5. The economical effects of ecotourism are reflected in three aspects:直接、间接和交叉影响.direct, indirect, and cross effects.直接影响反映在单个旅游者会由于生态旅游环境和行为支出增加,而间接影响体现为提高其它的旅游消费行为,交叉影响是生态旅游带来的诸如"口碑效应"等潜在影响.The direct effects are reflected in the increase of expenditure of individuals due to ecotourism environment and behavior, while the indirect effects are reflected in the enhancement of other tourism consumption behavior, the cross effects are the potential ones, such as so called"effects of public praise", brought by ecotourism. 生态旅游具有的可持续发展观能够不断地促进区域的经济活动,通过经济利益的再分配过程可以使社会分工达到合理化,扩大社会就业机会.生态旅游构筑的价值链不仅仅是现实经济意义上的,也是潜在的,长期的.The sustainable development the ecotourism owns can continuously promote the regional economic activities, realize the rationality of social division through the re-distribution process of economic interests, thereby expanding the opportunities of social employment. The value chain built up by ecotourism is not only reflected in practical economy, but also in potential and long-term significance.
(四) 生态旅游的社会生态价值链.大自然是一切科学发展的泉源,提供科学研究的环境.无论是生物科学、自然科学、或是工程科学都可从自然中找出法则.同时,旅游资源提供了社会学、历史学、考古学等人文学科的研究场所.
4.The social ecological value chain of ecotourism. Nature is the source for the development of all scientific fields, and provides the environment for scientific research. No matter it is biological science, natural science, or engineering science they all can find rules from nature. In the same time tourism rssources provide humanities, such as sociology, history, and archaeology with the research places.
(五) 生态旅游的经济影响体现为三个方面:
5. The economical effects of ecotourism are reflected in three aspects:直接、间接和交叉影响.direct, indirect, and cross effects.直接影响反映在单个旅游者会由于生态旅游环境和行为支出增加,而间接影响体现为提高其它的旅游消费行为,交叉影响是生态旅游带来的诸如"口碑效应"等潜在影响.The direct effects are reflected in the increase of expenditure of individuals due to ecotourism environment and behavior, while the indirect effects are reflected in the enhancement of other tourism consumption behavior, the cross effects are the potential ones, such as so called"effects of public praise", brought by ecotourism. 生态旅游具有的可持续发展观能够不断地促进区域的经济活动,通过经济利益的再分配过程可以使社会分工达到合理化,扩大社会就业机会.生态旅游构筑的价值链不仅仅是现实经济意义上的,也是潜在的,长期的.The sustainable development the ecotourism owns can continuously promote the regional economic activities, realize the rationality of social division through the re-distribution process of economic interests, thereby expanding the opportunities of social employment. The value chain built up by ecotourism is not only reflected in practical economy, but also in potential and long-term significance.