2分钟英语对话 我和偶遇的朋友分别描述自己的男朋友 最后发现我们描述的是同一个男生如题,最好编的搞笑一点


2分钟英语对话 我和偶遇的朋友分别描述自己的男朋友 最后发现我们描述的是同一个男生
A hey!B!
B hey!A!Haven't see you for a long time!How are you?
A Just so so.What about you?I heard you've had a boyfriend,Jack,is that true?
B Oh no!He is just my partner.And he cann't measure up to my standard.To be my
bf,he should be ...
A Ok,I know handsome the first.
B Yes!And...
A Tall enough in hight.
B Yes!
A Humor,gentle,rich...
B No,he needn't so rich,you know,men are too rich to become playboys.
A Yes,I agree with you.
B So,my bf is just like whom I described.
A Just?I think the boy you described is Mark.
B Right!Mark is my sweetheart lover in dream!I'm trying to attract his attention!
A Please donn't!Now Mark is my boyfriend.
B ...
A hey!B!
B hey!A!Haven't see you for a long time!How are you?
A Just so so.What about you?I heard you've had a boyfriend,Jack,is that true?
B Oh no!He is just my partner.And he cann't measure up to my standard.To be my
bf,he should be ...
A Ok,I know handsome the first.
B Yes!And...
A Tall enough in hight.
B Yes!
A Humor,gentle,rich...
B No,he needn't so rich,you know,men are too rich to become playboys.
A Yes,I agree with you.
B So,my bf is just like whom I described.
A Just?I think the boy you described is Mark.
B Right!Mark is my sweetheart lover in dream!I'm trying to attract his attention!
A Please donn't!Now Mark is my boyfriend.
B ...
相关标签: 分钟 英语 对话 朋友 分别 描述 最后 发现 同一个 男生