

In order to achieve success,one must pay much more effort than other people.As the saying goes,success lies in diligence.and good timing,geographical convenience and good human relations are all indispensible.Yes.If you do not have talent,you wiil have to take unyielding efforts so as to make up for your stupidity.In addition to this,a successful person must possess strong will which can keep him from losing his heart while in failure,and pushs him to march on to the final success.Wish you a better and triumphant future. In order to achieve success,one must pay much more effort than other people.As the saying goes,success lies in diligence.and good timing,geographical convenience and good human relations are all indispensible.Yes.If you do not have talent,you wiil have to take unyielding efforts so as to make up for your stupidity.In addition to this,a successful person must possess strong will which can keep him from losing his heart while in failure,and pushs him to march on to the final success.Wish you a better and triumphant future.