英语翻译不要用软件翻译,如果翻的好另加分(所用单词:息税前利润 EBIT;利息费用 Interest Expense;息税后利润 EBT)这个表格是我集团公司在全国各地的分公司财务数据的汇总,它包含5项内容:息税前利润;财务费用;息税后利润,以及各分公司的银行存款和贷款情况.在这15个城市的分公司中,财务费用急剧的不平衡,最高的如上海,达57500,最低的如青岛达-176,如此巨大的差异是由各分公司自身的资金持有量和实际需求所决定的.大家看最后两行数据,在分公司中,有的资金需求量很大,如上海公司,需求达1


(所用单词:息税前利润 EBIT;利息费用 Interest Expense;息税后利润 EBT)
This is my form in the group all over the country's branch of the summary of financial data,which contains 5:Pre-tax profit rate; finance charges; profit after tax income,as well as branch offices of bank deposits and loan situation.15 A branch in the city,the financial cost of a sharp imbalance,such as Shanghai,the highest,reaching 57,500,the lowest such as Qingdao amounted to -176,so great is the difference between the various branches of its own capital holdings and the actual needs of the decision The.You look at the last two lines of data in branch offices,some funds in great demand,such as Shanghai,demand reached 1,150,000,some in very good company funds,such as Qingdao,not loans,bank deposits have 19,253 We implemented in-house bank is the purpose of each branch of the funds managed together.Implementation of the in-house bank,all branches of most of the funds will be unified in the hands of the dominant group,according to the chart shows,total deposits of the bank branch is 334,768,that is to say,we will be a small bank loan 334,768,which will enable us to the 5% drop in the cost of loans. This is my form in the group all over the country's branch of the summary of financial data,which contains 5:Pre-tax profit rate; finance charges; profit after tax income,as well as branch offices of bank deposits and loan situation.15 A branch in the city,the financial cost of a sharp imbalance,such as Shanghai,the highest,reaching 57,500,the lowest such as Qingdao amounted to -176,so great is the difference between the various branches of its own capital holdings and the actual needs of the decision The.You look at the last two lines of data in branch offices,some funds in great demand,such as Shanghai,demand reached 1,150,000,some in very good company funds,such as Qingdao,not loans,bank deposits have 19,253 We implemented in-house bank is the purpose of each branch of the funds managed together.Implementation of the in-house bank,all branches of most of the funds will be unified in the hands of the dominant group,according to the chart shows,total deposits of the bank branch is 334,768,that is to say,we will be a small bank loan 334,768,which will enable us to the 5% drop in the cost of loans.