哪位高人给看看这篇托福作文能得几分(1~5),谢谢了!It’s better to make wrong decision than make no decision at all. Do you agree or disagree with the statement. Give reasons or specific examples to illustrate your answer.In my opinion, I don’t think it’s better to make wrong dec


It’s better to make wrong decision than make no decision at all. Do you agree or disagree with the statement. Give reasons or specific examples to illustrate your answer.
In my opinion, I don’t think it’s better to make wrong decision than make no decision. The following are the reasons I give for this opinion.
Firstly, wrong decisions may bring you a great loss, for example in business field. If there is a deal that you don’t know it is worth to make, you’d better not make it hustlely, because it will lead you to a great finacial loss and maybe you will become a bankrupt. But if you don’t make a decision, you may not earn money, but you won’t loss. It’s better than make a wrong decision and have a great loss.
Secondly, wrong decision can give you a great pain both in body and mind. There is a case, a girl falls in love with a boy, she loves her boyfriend but she find he sometimes lie to her. She thinks there must be something wrong but the boy wants to engage with her. So she can’t make a decision whether accept it or not. In this case, if the girl doesn’t consider it carefully and make a wrong decision to choose the boy as her husband for example, her life maybe miserable and she may live in pain. So that’s why she’d better make no decision and learn the boy more. Then she can decide whether choose the man or not.
In different cases, the consequences of a decision may not be the same. If the decision you make—even wrong decision won’t bring some bad thing to you, then you can have a try to make it. But if the wrong decision may hurt you, then I think make no decision is better than make a wrong decision. All in all, I think we must think carefully before make a decision. Because there are so many decision may cause you in trouble, as far as I concerned, it is better make no decision than make a wrong decision.
3分吧.结构还算清楚,也举了些例子,但是内容含糊不清,并且语法错误众多. 3分吧.结构还算清楚,也举了些例子,但是内容含糊不清,并且语法错误众多.