跪求英语短文啊学校足球队准备从报名的三位足球爱好者中选拔一名后卫队员.请根据材料,将三人做比较,写一篇80词左右的短文,帮助教练确定人选.1:名字:Frank Smith国籍:英国年龄:15体重:70Kg身高:172.Speed:12″/100-meter race2:Henry Hill 巴西 14岁 62公斤 175厘米 Speed:15″/100米3:Nick Baker 英国 16岁 68公斤 160厘米 11″/100米


1:名字:Frank Smith国籍:英国年龄:15体重:70Kg身高:172.
Speed:12″/100-meter race
2:Henry Hill 巴西 14岁 62公斤 175厘米 Speed:15″/100米
3:Nick Baker 英国 16岁 68公斤 160厘米 11″/100米
Frank Smith, Henry Hill and Nick Baker are football lovers. They want to be a back field in the football team. They are from different countries. Frank Smith and Nick Baker come from Britain, Henry Hill is from Brazil. Henry Hill the youngest among them is 14, Frank Smith is 15 and Nick Baker the oldest is 16. The weight of Henry Hill is 62 kg, Frank Smith 70 kg and Nick Baker 68 kg. As for their heights, Henry is 175 cm, Frank 172 cm and Nick Baker 160 cm. And the speed in the 100-meter race, Nick whose result is 11″/100m runs fastest, Frank whose result is 12″/100m gets the second position and Henry’s result is 15″/100m. All in all, they have their own strong points. Frank Smith, Henry Hill and Nick Baker are football lovers. They want to be a back field in the football team. They are from different countries. Frank Smith and Nick Baker come from Britain, Henry Hill is from Brazil. Henry Hill the youngest among them is 14, Frank Smith is 15 and Nick Baker the oldest is 16. The weight of Henry Hill is 62 kg, Frank Smith 70 kg and Nick Baker 68 kg. As for their heights, Henry is 175 cm, Frank 172 cm and Nick Baker 160 cm. And the speed in the 100-meter race, Nick whose result is 11″/100m runs fastest, Frank whose result is 12″/100m gets the second position and Henry’s result is 15″/100m. All in all, they have their own strong points.