英语作文集邮俱乐部:1.报名时间 下周一到周五 2号楼135号房间 2.第一次活动时间是11月20日下午2:30分 学校会议室 内容:开幕式,邮票展览,讲座中国集邮史.要求:以通知的格式,80字左右.今晚要用!


集邮俱乐部:1.报名时间 下周一到周五 2号楼135号房间 2.第一次活动时间是11月20日下午2:30分 学校会议室 内容:开幕式,邮票展览,讲座中国集邮史.要求:以通知的格式,80字左右.今晚要用!
The registration time for the stamp collecting club is from next Monday to next Friday. Please finish you registration in room number 135 in the building number 2. The first activity will be at 2:30 pm on the twentieth of November. The place for activity will be in the school conference room. In this activity, we are going to have an opening ceremony, a stamp exhibition and a lecture about the history of Chinese stamps. The registration time for the stamp collecting club is from next Monday to next Friday. Please finish you registration in room number 135 in the building number 2. The first activity will be at 2:30 pm on the twentieth of November. The place for activity will be in the school conference room. In this activity, we are going to have an opening ceremony, a stamp exhibition and a lecture about the history of Chinese stamps.