我校进行了一次早餐状况调查。详细情况请看下面的表格。要求根据表格提示的信息,写一篇报道。说明早餐对学生学习和健康的影响及早餐的重要性。 注意:不要逐条翻译。(100字左右)     吃早餐的学生 不吃早餐的学生 早餐状况 鸡蛋、牛奶、面包、饼干、香蕉、西红柿等水果、蔬菜。 不吃早餐 身体状况 健康,不易生病、不易发胖,生长较快。 不健康,容易发胖,易生病,生长缓慢 学习状况 课上思维敏捷,精力充沛,注


























Recently we did a research on the effects that a good breakfast made on students. The study showed that students with a good breakfast every morning which contained eggs bread milk and so on were healthier than those without breakfast. They grew faster and were less likely to put on weight and get ill. By eating breakfast every morning the students could feel alive and quick in the morning’s work at school. They were full of energy and could focus their attention easily for a long time. Their scores in the tests were much higher than those of the students who went to school without breakfast. Compared with the students with a good breakfast every day the students without breakfast were less active and got tired more easily in sports. They couldn’t run as fast as those with breakfast. From the research we can see that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It not only affects our health but also our study and work even our feelings. Let’s prepare ourselves a good breakfast every day to keep us healthy both mentally and physically.


本文开篇就用了一个定语从句,Recently we did a research on the effects that a good breakfast made on students.使用that领导的定语从句,在定语从句中做宾语。文章第二句The study showed that students with a good breakfast every morning which contained eggs bread milk and so on 又使用了which领导的非限制性定语从句,十分注意句式的灵活性。第四句又以by+动词ing开头,十分注意句式灵活变化,不会显得千篇一律。第七句. Compared with the students with a good breakfast every day the students….同每天吃早饭的同学相比较…..本句是一个较为高级的状语从句,省略了连接词。倒数第二句又使用了not only…. but also句式,文章结尾又号召同学们养成早餐的好习惯,使得整篇文章行文流畅。文章的最大亮点就是句式的灵活多变。本文采用了许多好的短语:be likely to..可能…,be full of….充满…. compare with….同…相比较等等显示了较好的英语功底。同时文章十分注意词语的应用,如文章第四段feel alive and quick ,后文就用energy这个名词表达了同样的意思,十分注意词语的表达的转换。


总结:基本格式为Recently….. The study showed that……first…second….third….(注意各种从句的应用及句型的转换和变化)


Recently we did a research on the effects that a good breakfast made on students. The study showed that students with a good breakfast every morning which contained eggs bread milk and so on were healthier than those without breakfast. They grew faster and were less likely to put on weight and get ill. By eating breakfast every morning the students could feel alive and quick in the morning’s work at school. They were full of energy and could focus their attention easily for a long time. Their scores in the tests were much higher than those of the students who went to school without breakfast. Compared with the students with a good breakfast every day the students without breakfast were less active and got tired more easily in sports. They couldn’t run as fast as those with breakfast. From the research we can see that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It not only affects our health but also our study and work even our feelings. Let’s prepare ourselves a good breakfast every day to keep us healthy both mentally and physically.


本文开篇就用了一个定语从句,Recently we did a research on the effects that a good breakfast made on students.使用that领导的定语从句,在定语从句中做宾语。文章第二句The study showed that students with a good breakfast every morning which contained eggs bread milk and so on 又使用了which领导的非限制性定语从句,十分注意句式的灵活性。第四句又以by+动词ing开头,十分注意句式灵活变化,不会显得千篇一律。第七句. Compared with the students with a good breakfast every day the students….同每天吃早饭的同学相比较…..本句是一个较为高级的状语从句,省略了连接词。倒数第二句又使用了not only…. but also句式,文章结尾又号召同学们养成早餐的好习惯,使得整篇文章行文流畅。文章的最大亮点就是句式的灵活多变。本文采用了许多好的短语:be likely to..可能…,be full of….充满…. compare with….同…相比较等等显示了较好的英语功底。同时文章十分注意词语的应用,如文章第四段feel alive and quick ,后文就用energy这个名词表达了同样的意思,十分注意词语的表达的转换。


总结:基本格式为Recently….. The study showed that……first…second….third….(注意各种从句的应用及句型的转换和变化)

