

A:Good morning,sir.I hope you're not in a hurry.
B:It's my friend,actually.When do you think you can cut his hair?
A:I'm just finishing with this gentleman.I'll be ready for him in about ten minutes.Is that OK?
B:That's OK.I guess we can wait that long,right,Teddy?
A:Would you please take a seat over there?There are some interesting magazines on the tea-table.
B:Thank you!What about you Tina?What do you want to do?
D:I'm fine,thank you.Just waiting here is good!
A:Oh,I'm sorry for that.Yes,we should have something in English for our foreign friends.I'll certainly see to it… Well,sir,I'm at your service.Please sit here.
D:Thank you.
A:How'd you like to have your hair cut,sir?
C:Well,I'd like it short.It's summer,you know.
A:Sure.But not short,right?
B:Certainly not.
A:Now how do you like it?
B:I like it.You've done a good job.What do you think,Teddy?
C:em...not too bad!Tina like it aha~
D:Yeah!It's awesome!I love it!
A:How about the sideburns?Should I use a razor for them?
A:Good morning,sir.I hope you're not in a hurry.
B:It's my friend,actually.When do you think you can cut his hair?
A:I'm just finishing with this gentleman.I'll be ready for him in about ten minutes.Is that OK?
B:That's OK.I guess we can wait that long,right,Teddy?
A:Would you please take a seat over there?There are some interesting magazines on the tea-table.
B:Thank you!What about you Tina?What do you want to do?
D:I'm fine,thank you.Just waiting here is good!
A:Oh,I'm sorry for that.Yes,we should have something in English for our foreign friends.I'll certainly see to it… Well,sir,I'm at your service.Please sit here.
D:Thank you.
A:How'd you like to have your hair cut,sir?
C:Well,I'd like it short.It's summer,you know.
A:Sure.But not short,right?
B:Certainly not.
A:Now how do you like it?
B:I like it.You've done a good job.What do you think,Teddy?
C:em...not too bad!Tina like it aha~
D:Yeah!It's awesome!I love it!
A:How about the sideburns?Should I use a razor for them?
相关标签: 英语口语 对话 围绕 话题 每人 分钟