英语提问not...until...他直到10点才起床 (句型的用法)too和not enough A:这件衬衫太小了.B:不,我觉得够大了.(句型的用法)两个语言功能:(各篇写一组小对话)如何点餐Could we have ...I will have...提出建议How about...,Why don't...,Shall we...,Let's...


not...until...他直到10点才起床 (句型的用法)
too和not enough A:这件衬衫太小了.B:不,我觉得够大了.(句型的用法)
如何点餐Could we have ...I will have...
提出建议How about...,Why don't...,Shall we...,Let's...
他直到10点才起床-------He didn't get up until 10.
A:这件衬衫太小了.B:不,我觉得够大了.--------A: This shirt is too small. B: No, I think it's big enough. (too的用法)
A: This shirt is not big enough. B: No, I think it's big enough. (not enough 的用法)
如何点餐Could we have ...?I will have...
对话1. A: Excuse me, could I see the menu, please? 打搅一下,我能看看菜单吗?
B :Yes Sir. Here you are. 好的,先生.请看菜单.
A: Could we have two cup of tea first?可以先给我们两杯茶吗?
B: Yes of course. Please wait for a minute. 当然可以了.请稍等.
对话2. A: Excuse me, could I see the menu, please? 打搅一下,我能看看菜单吗?
B :Yes Sir. Here you are. 好的,先生.请看菜单.
A: I will have one hamburger and a cup of orange juice. 我想要一份汉堡和一杯橘汁.
B: Ok. Please wait for a minute. 好的.请稍等.
提出建议: How about playing basketball after school? 放学后打篮球怎么样?
Why don't you close the door? 你为什么不关上门?
Shall we go shopping on this weekend? 这个周末我们去购物好吗?
Let's go home. 我们回家吧.
他直到10点才起床-------He didn't get up until 10.
A:这件衬衫太小了.B:不,我觉得够大了.--------A: This shirt is too small. B: No, I think it's big enough. (too的用法)
A: This shirt is not big enough. B: No, I think it's big enough. (not enough 的用法)
如何点餐Could we have ...?I will have...
对话1. A: Excuse me, could I see the menu, please? 打搅一下,我能看看菜单吗?
B :Yes Sir. Here you are. 好的,先生.请看菜单.
A: Could we have two cup of tea first?可以先给我们两杯茶吗?
B: Yes of course. Please wait for a minute. 当然可以了.请稍等.
对话2. A: Excuse me, could I see the menu, please? 打搅一下,我能看看菜单吗?
B :Yes Sir. Here you are. 好的,先生.请看菜单.
A: I will have one hamburger and a cup of orange juice. 我想要一份汉堡和一杯橘汁.
B: Ok. Please wait for a minute. 好的.请稍等.
提出建议: How about playing basketball after school? 放学后打篮球怎么样?
Why don't you close the door? 你为什么不关上门?
Shall we go shopping on this weekend? 这个周末我们去购物好吗?
Let's go home. 我们回家吧.