英语翻译用上括号中的词组,不要软件翻译的.1.他们躲在那里差不多两年,从来不敢出去.(dare)2.我们试图使他平静下来,但他仍然不停地叫着.(calm down)3.不要嘲笑他,有时你做得还不如他好.(laugh at)4.在20世纪前期,中国经历了太多的战争.(go through)5.孩子们一天没出门,让他们出去玩一会吧.(indoors;outdoors)6.请根据所给情境用这个词造句.(according to)7.这套读物非常有趣.(series)8.这位男子把那女孩从河里救了出来,女孩的母亲


2.我们试图使他平静下来,但他仍然不停地叫着.(calm down)
3.不要嘲笑他,有时你做得还不如他好.(laugh at)
4.在20世纪前期,中国经历了太多的战争.(go through)
6.请根据所给情境用这个词造句.(according to)
1 They've been hiding there for about two years and they never dared to go out
2 We tried to calm him down,but he still kept sreaming
3 Don't laugh at him cause you even made it worse once upon a time
4 The Chinese had gone through so many wars in the early 20th
5 Those kids has been staying indoors all day long,so let them play outdoors for a moment
6 Make a sentence with the given word according to the context
7 This series of readings is very interesting
8 The girl's mother felt so grateful for the man saving her drowning daughter's life
9 Mr.Jones lives alone and always feels lonely
10 We communicate with each other through internet
1 They've been hiding there for about two years and they never dared to go out
2 We tried to calm him down,but he still kept sreaming
3 Don't laugh at him cause you even made it worse once upon a time
4 The Chinese had gone through so many wars in the early 20th
5 Those kids has been staying indoors all day long,so let them play outdoors for a moment
6 Make a sentence with the given word according to the context
7 This series of readings is very interesting
8 The girl's mother felt so grateful for the man saving her drowning daughter's life
9 Mr.Jones lives alone and always feels lonely
10 We communicate with each other through internet