急求一篇英语自我介绍我是一名高一的新生 英语老师要求自我介绍 我要简短一些的 当然词语最好在高一以前的学的 好的话会追加分数 记住一定要有注解 翻译啊


我是一名高一的新生 英语老师要求自我介绍 我要简短一些的 当然词语最好在高一以前的学的 好的话会追加分数 记住一定要有注解 翻译啊
Today I’m very happy to stand here to introduce myself to you.I’d like to say to all of my friends that I treasure the chance we study togher.And I look up to all of you,because you are so excellent.My name is **** .I love English very much,because English is an international language.I have a beautiful dream.It is to teach the people all over the world to learn Chinese,and the people through out China to learn English.To fight for my dream,I must learn English well to start with.The way ahead is long and bitter,and my English is not good enough,but my faith will be the guiding star.It is always shining in my sky.My motto is that however mean our life is,meet it and live it.That's all.Thank you very much.
Today I’m very happy to stand here to introduce myself to you.I’d like to say to all of my friends that I treasure the chance we study togher.And I look up to all of you,because you are so excellent.My name is **** .I love English very much,because English is an international language.I have a beautiful dream.It is to teach the people all over the world to learn Chinese,and the people through out China to learn English.To fight for my dream,I must learn English well to start with.The way ahead is long and bitter,and my English is not good enough,but my faith will be the guiding star.It is always shining in my sky.My motto is that however mean our life is,meet it and live it.That's all.Thank you very much.