阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项   No matter who you are or where you come from one thing is certain: you are familiar to the mosquito although you probably wish you weren't. Mosquitoes are everywhere. They can be found all over the world




  No matter who you are or where you come from one thing is certain: you are familiar to the mosquito although you probably wish you weren't. Mosquitoes are everywhere. They can be found all over the world and they come in more than 2 500 species(种). Somewhere at some time you have surely met at least one.

  No one loves the mosquito. But unfortunately the mosquito may decide who she loves. She? Yes she. Do you know that only the female mosquito bites? Well it's true. And it's not because she is unfriendly; she needs blood to reproduce.

  Do you know how the female mosquito decides whom to bite? She is quite selective and she chooses her victims(猎物) carefully. First she uses sensors(感觉器) to find her victim. These sensors are located on her two antennae(触角) and her three pairs of legs. With these sensors she tests your body moisture body warmth and chemical substances in your sweat. If she likes what she finds she bites. But if you are not attractive she'll reject you for another one. The next time a mosquito bites you just remember that you are chosen. You are special.

  If the mosquito likes you she settles onto your flesh very gently and she breaks your skin with her long nose tip. Long nose tip? What's that? It's a kind of mouth and it sticks out just below the mosquito's eyes. It contains six sharp instruments called stylets. She thrusts all six stylets into your skin at once and if she hits a blood pipe she'll get a full dinner in about a minute. All this usually takes place so quickly and quietly that you may not have doubted anything is happening.

  Why does a mosquito bite itch(痒)? The itch is not really from the bite. It's from the saliva(口水) the mosquito mixes with your blood to keep it from being blocked as she sucks it up her long nose tip. By the time the itch begins she has gone.

  And then what happens? Well after her delicious dinner the mosquito is tired. She just wants to find a place to rest. Heavy with your blood she picks a spot on a leaf a wall or a stone to quietly lay her eggs. Just one drop of blood will produce hundreds of eggs.

1.The female mosquito looks for you because she ________.

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A.is thirsty for your blood

B.needs blood to reproduce

C.loses her heart to you

D.feels hungry at the time

2.Only when ________ does she do biting.

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A.she locates these sensors on her two antennae

B.she finds the weather is fine

C.she finds body moisture body warmth and chemical substances

D.she finds what she likes

3.Which order is right for the statements according to the process of a female mosquito's biting?

a.She uses her long nose tip to break your skin.

b.She thrusts her stylets into your skin.

c.With sensors she tests your body.

d.She stops onto a part of your body gently.

e.She takes in a mouthful of blood out a pipe.

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4.Which is the best topic for this passage?

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A.The Mating(交配) between Female and Male Mosquitoes

B.The Female Mosquito

C.Producing Eggs

D.Mosquito's Bite

  1.B  在原文第2段中可找到答案.   2.D  从第三段的倒数第二、三句可以看出答案。   3.A  仔细阅读第3、4段,答案不难选出.   4.B  短文从开始就用了she来指代“蚊子”,整段文章都是有关母蚊子选择猎物,叮咬猎物,及被叮咬后产卵的过程,综观全文,B为最佳选项。
  1.B  在原文第2段中可找到答案.   2.D  从第三段的倒数第二、三句可以看出答案。   3.A  仔细阅读第3、4段,答案不难选出.   4.B  短文从开始就用了she来指代“蚊子”,整段文章都是有关母蚊子选择猎物,叮咬猎物,及被叮咬后产卵的过程,综观全文,B为最佳选项。