关于主题housework的口语问题几个下面是几个关于housework的口语问题 每个问题最少要答个三四句话 可以把所有问题融合在一起回答也可以不要太复杂的词句 高中水平就行1.who does the housework in your family?2.what housework is there?3.what kind of housework is most important?4.what kind of housework do u like an dislike?why?5.wha


不要太复杂的词句 高中水平就行
1.who does the housework in your family?
2.what housework is there?
3.what kind of housework is most important?
4.what kind of housework do u like an dislike?why?
5.what changes are brought by modern technology into housework?
截至时间是今天中午1.30 分加了 可以回答了吗... ...
my mom does most of it.
mopping,washing dirty dishes , the laundry ,etc.
i think there is just a little difference,but if have to chose
i would say mopping is the most important.
i prefer laundry cause all you need to do is to throw the clothes
into the machine.and washing dishes is really annoying cause dishes
are oily!
definitely a lot changes ,like dush cllector insteads of broom,
dishwashers also appear(thanks god!)anyway modern technology reduce
my mom burdens a lot.
my mom does most of it.
mopping,washing dirty dishes , the laundry ,etc.
i think there is just a little difference,but if have to chose
i would say mopping is the most important.
i prefer laundry cause all you need to do is to throw the clothes
into the machine.and washing dishes is really annoying cause dishes
are oily!
definitely a lot changes ,like dush cllector insteads of broom,
dishwashers also appear(thanks god!)anyway modern technology reduce
my mom burdens a lot.