英语翻译1.我会努力学好英语 2.我十六岁生日是6月22日 3.我们完成作业了 4.你们去过北京吗?5.你可以给我看看你的手表 6.7.你越小心,犯的错误就会越少.8.长江是中国最长的河流之一.


1.我会努力学好英语 2.我十六岁生日是6月22日 3.我们完成作业了 4.你们去过北京吗?5.你可以给我看看你的手表 6.7.你越小心,犯的错误就会越少.8.长江是中国最长的河流之一.
1. I will learn English diligently.
2. my 16th birthday is on June 22.
3. we completed the work.
4. you have gone to Beijing?
5. you may have a look at your wristwatch to me.
6. mathematics was inferior that physics is difficult.
7. you will be more careful, the mistake which will violate will be less.
8. Yangtze River is one of Chinese longest rivers.
1. I will learn English diligently.
2. my 16th birthday is on June 22.
3. we completed the work.
4. you have gone to Beijing?
5. you may have a look at your wristwatch to me.
6. mathematics was inferior that physics is difficult.
7. you will be more careful, the mistake which will violate will be less.
8. Yangtze River is one of Chinese longest rivers.