求高人帮写个英语对话Do you think which job is right for you?Talk about the reasons you like this job.(4人的对话.)每人不少于5句


Do you think which job is right for you?Talk about the reasons you like this job.(4人的对话.)每人不少于5句
Jack:what do you want to do after you graduate from college,Rose?
Rose:hmm,i havent actually thought about it.My mum always urges me to be a government officer.She thinks that working for the government ensures job security.
Jack:but do you have passion in such a job?
Rose:i dont think so.
Tom & Mike:hey,what are you guys talking about?
Rose:we are discussing our future careers.Do you want to join us?
Tom:sure!that's interesting.
Mike:where are you now?
Jack:Rose was saying that her mum wants her to be a government officer.
Rose:but i dont really like this job.
Mike:why dont you like it?i think its a promising job!
Rose:well,i dont think i have passion in politics.
Jack:hmm.i think that we should do the job that really interests us,then we can do it well.
Tom:indeed.passion is what drives us to work hard on something persistently.
Rose:again i have no passion in politics
Mike:well,then you better find another job.i'm interested in politics though.I love the thrill of pushing for an argument.
Jack:let's greet our future president Mike!( clapping)
Mike:haha thanks for your good wishes.what's your passion then,Rose?
Rose:well,i love painting,but my mum says it does not pay well to be a painter.
Jack:you should have faith in your self!
Mike:indeed,trust yourself that you can make it!
Tom:have confidence in your self!I'm glad to be the friend of the eminent painter,Rose!
Rose:thank you guys.I will try my best to convince Mum that the life of an artist is not doomed to be miserable.
Jack:what do you want to do after you graduate from college,Rose?
Rose:hmm,i havent actually thought about it.My mum always urges me to be a government officer.She thinks that working for the government ensures job security.
Jack:but do you have passion in such a job?
Rose:i dont think so.
Tom & Mike:hey,what are you guys talking about?
Rose:we are discussing our future careers.Do you want to join us?
Tom:sure!that's interesting.
Mike:where are you now?
Jack:Rose was saying that her mum wants her to be a government officer.
Rose:but i dont really like this job.
Mike:why dont you like it?i think its a promising job!
Rose:well,i dont think i have passion in politics.
Jack:hmm.i think that we should do the job that really interests us,then we can do it well.
Tom:indeed.passion is what drives us to work hard on something persistently.
Rose:again i have no passion in politics
Mike:well,then you better find another job.i'm interested in politics though.I love the thrill of pushing for an argument.
Jack:let's greet our future president Mike!( clapping)
Mike:haha thanks for your good wishes.what's your passion then,Rose?
Rose:well,i love painting,but my mum says it does not pay well to be a painter.
Jack:you should have faith in your self!
Mike:indeed,trust yourself that you can make it!
Tom:have confidence in your self!I'm glad to be the friend of the eminent painter,Rose!
Rose:thank you guys.I will try my best to convince Mum that the life of an artist is not doomed to be miserable.