书面表达。         海安某学校八(1)班决定下个星期六组织一次去七星湖和海陵公园的一日游玩活动。假如你是该班的班长丁一,请你根据图片提示用英语写一封邀请信,邀请你的同班同学参加这一活动,并介绍一天的主要活动安排。要求:1. 计划好活动的时间的地点(可自己安排活动的时间或顺序);            &n


要求:1. 计划好活动的时间的地点(可自己安排活动的时间或顺序);      
Dear classmates,
We are planning a day out next Sunday. We want to invite to go to Seven-star Lake and Hailing park.
This is…_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
We will make it a really fun day for everyone. We hope you can join us.
Ding Yi
Dear classmates,
     We are planning a day out next Sunday. We want to invite to go to Seven-star Lake and Hailing park.
     This is the plan for the day. We will meet at the school gate at 7:30 a.m. We will then take the
bus to Seven-star Lake. We will go boating on the lake and fly kites on the square near the lake.
At noon, we will have a picnic by the lake. After lunch, we will go to Hailing Park. If you love
animals, you will have a lot of fun watching the birds and animals there. We are going to play
hide-and-seek as well. At 4:30, we will go back to school by bus.
We will make it a really fun day for everyone. We hope you can join us.
                                                                                                                              Ding Yi

Dear classmates,
     We are planning a day out next Sunday. We want to invite to go to Seven-star Lake and Hailing park.
     This is the plan for the day. We will meet at the school gate at 7:30 a.m. We will then take the
bus to Seven-star Lake. We will go boating on the lake and fly kites on the square near the lake.
At noon, we will have a picnic by the lake. After lunch, we will go to Hailing Park. If you love
animals, you will have a lot of fun watching the birds and animals there. We are going to play
hide-and-seek as well. At 4:30, we will go back to school by bus.
We will make it a really fun day for everyone. We hope you can join us.
                                                                                                                              Ding Yi
