英语场景2人对话1..A和B 谈论来自哪里?2..A 问B 这周有什么计划.比如说忙着考英语过级啊之类的.又问星期日有没时间,B 说有,或者没有.有的话A 叫B 去逛街 看电影啊 什么的3.A 和B 谈论是怎么花钱的4.他们在谈论这周日有什么活动5.A病了B 问候他并给于一点建议.要求在3级词汇就行,4级也可以,一共是5个场景呀 每次场景要7。8句回答前4个行了 第5个我写好了我学艺术的,所以基础不太好但我会加油的!


1..A和B 谈论来自哪里?
2..A 问B 这周有什么计划.比如说忙着考英语过级啊之类的.又问星期日有没时间,B 说有,或者没有.有的话A 叫B 去逛街 看电影啊 什么的
3.A 和B 谈论是怎么花钱的
5.A病了B 问候他并给于一点建议.
一共是5个场景呀 每次场景要7。8句
回答前4个行了 第5个我写好了
A:where are you come from?
B:Liverpool what about you
A:Liverpool,so cool and I am from Bristol,but I get my BSc degree at Liverpool I like there.Do you have any plan about weekend?
B:Yea,I have to prepare the exams
A:Pity man,I thought we could go out,how about sunday
B:sunday is cool and lets go out for film
A:That's great.By the way do you have some suggestion about how to spend money?you know I want to save some but they always gone very fast
B:Well I do not know if its works but for me I have a list what I am going to buy and you know when you list them maybe you will spend time to think about that.
B:Bless you!are you ok
A:Thank you I think I get bad cold,do not worry nothing serious
B:Drink more hot water and if you still not very good you need to see doctor
A:where are you come from?
B:Liverpool what about you
A:Liverpool,so cool and I am from Bristol,but I get my BSc degree at Liverpool I like there.Do you have any plan about weekend?
B:Yea,I have to prepare the exams
A:Pity man,I thought we could go out,how about sunday
B:sunday is cool and lets go out for film
A:That's great.By the way do you have some suggestion about how to spend money?you know I want to save some but they always gone very fast
B:Well I do not know if its works but for me I have a list what I am going to buy and you know when you list them maybe you will spend time to think about that.
B:Bless you!are you ok
A:Thank you I think I get bad cold,do not worry nothing serious
B:Drink more hot water and if you still not very good you need to see doctor