土豆焖牛肉的做法 英文版将下列步骤翻译成英语,不要软件翻译.1、土豆切块,牛肉切粒 2、先把一些花椒和八角炸香,放入姜然后炒牛肉 3、炒牛肉时放入十三香和老抽.这样不但可以上色.会更加让牛肉入味 4、牛肉半熟时放入土豆块.大蒜.盐.炒一小会 5、然后用温水或者开水盖锅闷


土豆焖牛肉的做法 英文版
1、土豆切块,牛肉切粒 2、先把一些花椒和八角炸香,放入姜然后炒牛肉 3、炒牛肉时放入十三香和老抽.这样不但可以上色.会更加让牛肉入味 4、牛肉半熟时放入土豆块.大蒜.盐.炒一小会 5、然后用温水或者开水盖锅闷
The following steps to translate into English, not software translation.
1, and potatoes cut, beef cut grain 2, and first to some prickly and sledge fried fragrant, into ginger and fried beef 3, and fried beef Shi into 13 fragrant and old pumping. such not only can paint. will more let beef tasty 4, and beef half cooked Shi into potatoes block. garlic. salt. Fried a small will 5, and and with warm water or boiling water gaiguo stuffy < do beef and mutton Shi must not placed cold water, such will let meat variable hard, and 6, and Braised to fast no water Shi, joined little onion paragraph to Shang disk has.
The following steps to translate into English, not software translation.
1, and potatoes cut, beef cut grain 2, and first to some prickly and sledge fried fragrant, into ginger and fried beef 3, and fried beef Shi into 13 fragrant and old pumping. such not only can paint. will more let beef tasty 4, and beef half cooked Shi into potatoes block. garlic. salt. Fried a small will 5, and and with warm water or boiling water gaiguo stuffy < do beef and mutton Shi must not placed cold water, such will let meat variable hard, and 6, and Braised to fast no water Shi, joined little onion paragraph to Shang disk has.