谁能帮我做下这条英语作文假定你是高一新生李华,在学习过程中遇到了困难,请给English weekly的编辑写一封短信。要求如下:1、自我介绍 2、遇到的困难 3、希望得到建议帮助写作要求:1、只能用5句话表达全部内容2、将5个句子连成短文3、开头结尾已给出,不计入总句数Dear EditorIam LiHua a student of senior one......... Best


假定你是高一新生李华,在学习过程中遇到了困难,请给English weekly的编辑写一封短信。要求如下:
1、自我介绍 2、遇到的困难 3、希望得到建议帮助
Dear Editor
Iam LiHua a student of senior one.........
Best wisnes
Yous LiHua
Hello Editor Liu:
Here's a letter from LiHua wanting you for help about some problems learning subjects.It's one year since I enrolled in the high school,but I found it very hard for me to be adapted to the life in the school,because they level of these lessons become suddenly very deep,and the test questions are more and more complicated.There is a variety of subjects like Chinses,Maths,English,Physics as well as Chemistry--- five main courses for us to learn.I feel very tired and I haven't enough time to relax myself.Everyday I usually stay up reviewing my all lessons and notes till night,and I feel sleepy in the morning while taking lessons.Teachers and parents have thrown much press on me because of my bad scores of tests.I'm puzzled now about these questions:
1) How to deal with so many courses and have a good revision of them everyday?
2) How to persuade parents not to blame?And what good learning ways can you offer to me in different courses.Are they really of secrets?
Thanks very much for you help.
Best wisnes
Yours LiHua
On Jan1th,2010
Hello Editor Liu:
Here's a letter from LiHua wanting you for help about some problems learning subjects.It's one year since I enrolled in the high school,but I found it very hard for me to be adapted to the life in the school,because they level of these lessons become suddenly very deep,and the test questions are more and more complicated.There is a variety of subjects like Chinses,Maths,English,Physics as well as Chemistry--- five main courses for us to learn.I feel very tired and I haven't enough time to relax myself.Everyday I usually stay up reviewing my all lessons and notes till night,and I feel sleepy in the morning while taking lessons.Teachers and parents have thrown much press on me because of my bad scores of tests.I'm puzzled now about these questions:
1) How to deal with so many courses and have a good revision of them everyday?
2) How to persuade parents not to blame?And what good learning ways can you offer to me in different courses.Are they really of secrets?
Thanks very much for you help.
Best wisnes
Yours LiHua
On Jan1th,2010