五年级下册英语的 编一段英语购物的对话.不少于五句.


五年级下册英语的 编一段英语购物的对话.不少于五句.
A:Could you tell me how much it is?(您能告诉我这个的价格是多少吗?)B:In the neighbourhoud of $ 500.(500美元左右.)A:That’s way too much money.(价格太贵了.)B:We can make dow by model.(我们可以根据型号给予优惠.)A:We have to ask for another price reduction.(再给我们优惠点儿吧.)B:You can fourget about another cut.(不能再降价了.) A:How much are you asking for this?(这个多少钱?)B:I’m offering them to you at 10 Euro a piece.Is that all right?(每件10欧元,您看怎么样?)A:Is tax already included in ther price?(这个价位含税吗?)B:Yes.Our price can’t be matched.(是的.我们的价格无人可比.)A:Would you consider a volume discount?(批量购进可以再优惠吗?)B:If you buy 1000 or more,you’ll get a 10% discount.(如果您能购进1000件以上我们就可以优惠10%.)A:I’ll accept your offer.(好的,我接受.) A:Could you tell me how much it is?(您能告诉我这个的价格是多少吗?)B:In the neighbourhoud of $ 500.(500美元左右.)A:That’s way too much money.(价格太贵了.)B:We can make dow by model.(我们可以根据型号给予优惠.)A:We have to ask for another price reduction.(再给我们优惠点儿吧.)B:You can fourget about another cut.(不能再降价了.) A:How much are you asking for this?(这个多少钱?)B:I’m offering them to you at 10 Euro a piece.Is that all right?(每件10欧元,您看怎么样?)A:Is tax already included in ther price?(这个价位含税吗?)B:Yes.Our price can’t be matched.(是的.我们的价格无人可比.)A:Would you consider a volume discount?(批量购进可以再优惠吗?)B:If you buy 1000 or more,you’ll get a 10% discount.(如果您能购进1000件以上我们就可以优惠10%.)A:I’ll accept your offer.(好的,我接受.)