新概念英语二册作文答案76课 不是摘要写作


新概念英语二册作文答案76课 不是摘要写作
Last week,there was a splendid macaroni-eating competition in the downtown,and lots of people had been at present.Six competitors took part in this event and all of them were of huge build,from whose appearance you could tell that they were very experienced and all confident.News reporters,plenty of audience and many working personnel crowded the place.The announcer in the studio said zealously,“Ladies and gentlemen,welcome to the macaroni-eating competition hosted by our company.And today you will next witness our six competitors to finish tons of macaroni right here.The winner will be the one who eats the most.And here begins our competition!” Then the crowd is boiling with applause and shouts!
I will not mention the detailed process of their scene.But oh my!Just look at the pictures of that event,you would take them for a group of people who had not eaten anything for ages.After three long hours of their mouth repeatedly chewing and throat swallowing,the winner was a guy called James Jones from Arkansas,who turned out to be the thinnest one among the six.Guess what?It seemed to be not enough.After these three hours,he asked for more!
Last week,there was a splendid macaroni-eating competition in the downtown,and lots of people had been at present.Six competitors took part in this event and all of them were of huge build,from whose appearance you could tell that they were very experienced and all confident.News reporters,plenty of audience and many working personnel crowded the place.The announcer in the studio said zealously,“Ladies and gentlemen,welcome to the macaroni-eating competition hosted by our company.And today you will next witness our six competitors to finish tons of macaroni right here.The winner will be the one who eats the most.And here begins our competition!” Then the crowd is boiling with applause and shouts!
I will not mention the detailed process of their scene.But oh my!Just look at the pictures of that event,you would take them for a group of people who had not eaten anything for ages.After three long hours of their mouth repeatedly chewing and throat swallowing,the winner was a guy called James Jones from Arkansas,who turned out to be the thinnest one among the six.Guess what?It seemed to be not enough.After these three hours,he asked for more!
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