阅读理解   A fine-looking young man sat down in the main dining room of an expensive hotel. He ordered a nice meal and spent two hours enjoying himself very much. After the check (账单) was presented, the man called the head waiter.   “Ah, my friend.” he sai



  A fine-looking young man sat down in the main dining room of an expensive hotel. He ordered a nice meal and spent two hours enjoying himself very much. After the check (账单) was presented, the man called the head waiter.

  “Ah, my friend.” he said. “that was a wonderful meal! Perhaps you remember that I was a guest (客人) at this hotel and at this very same table just about a year ago. And at that time, just because I couldn't pay the check, you, sir, had me thrown out of this dining room in full view of all the other guests!”

  “My deepest apologies (道歉), sir.” said the head waiter. “You understand…”

  “Oh, it's quite all right!” said the young man lighting his cigar (雪茄烟) , “But I'm afraid I'll have to trouble you again.”

1.The man went into the hotel because ________.

[  ]

A.he had a lot of money

B.he wanted to pay the check

C.he just wanted to eat something free

D.he wanted to teach the head waiter a good lesson

2.He called the head waiter _________.

[  ]

A.to tell him he had no money

B.to pay for the meal

C.to throw him out of the dining room

D.to pay the check

3.The man told the waiter he had been thrown out of the dining room by the waiter because ________.

[  ]

A.he would never forget the sad story

B.he wanted the waiter to answer for it

C.he wanted the waiter to pay for it

D.he tried to remind (提醒) the waiter he would not pay for the meal again

4.The phrase “in full view of” means ________.

[  ]

A.in place of

B.in the face of

C.in the course of

D.face to face

5.What do you think the result (结果) of the story was?

[  ]

A.The man was very glad to have had such a wonderful meal.

B.The waiter apologized to the man for his rough deeds.

C.The man made friends with the head waiter.

D.The man had no money, and no intention (意向) to pay the check.
