请教几个英语句子汉译英1、21世纪社会的飞速发展使各行各业之间的竞争不断加剧,因此我们必须更加重视合作.(要仿照下句的句式:the groeth of specialization in the nineteenth century,with its consequent requirement of a longer,more complex training ,implied greater problems for amateur participation in science.我也想写成……,w


(要仿照下句的句式:the groeth of specialization in the nineteenth century,with its consequent requirement of a longer,more complex training ,implied greater problems for amateur participation in science.我也想写成……,with its consequent……..,implied….的格式可是不会写)
1、The rapid development of the world in the 21st century, with its consequent effect of an unceasing intensification of the competition in all walks of life, implied that we should give more prominence to cooperation.
2、Cooperation, certainly, is not the only way to the adaptation to the rapidly developing society. Moreover, it is not the only tool used to strengthen the competitive power.
3、Since their real life and ideals disconnect with each other, searching the Internet is popular among young people.
4、The survey indicated that, compared to children with the morally sound outlook on life, children addicted to on-line searching prefer to live a cosy life and escape from the reality and they are more likely to lose their own views. They are neither willing to face difficulties and frustration nor willing to work hard or acquire the habit of thinking hard.
1、The rapid development of the world in the 21st century, with its consequent effect of an unceasing intensification of the competition in all walks of life, implied that we should give more prominence to cooperation.
2、Cooperation, certainly, is not the only way to the adaptation to the rapidly developing society. Moreover, it is not the only tool used to strengthen the competitive power.
3、Since their real life and ideals disconnect with each other, searching the Internet is popular among young people.
4、The survey indicated that, compared to children with the morally sound outlook on life, children addicted to on-line searching prefer to live a cosy life and escape from the reality and they are more likely to lose their own views. They are neither willing to face difficulties and frustration nor willing to work hard or acquire the habit of thinking hard.