

拿新课标 第一模块的二单元为例:
Unit 2 English around the world

Part one(单词)

一、 根据汉语提示,写出单词
1.官方的,正式的______________ 2.本地的/人________________
3.航行/海___________________ 4.adv.实际上_______________
5.vt.以---为根据_______________ 6.adv.逐渐地________________
7.词汇__________________ 8.本身、身份_________________
9.adv.流利地_________________ 10.adv.频繁地_________________
11.v/n.命令、掌握_______________ 12.辨认、认出________________
13.口音,腔调__________________ 14.直的,笔直的_______________
15.较后的、后者________________ 16.请求、要求_________________
17.词语、表达__________________ 18.街区,石块_________________
19.征服,占领__________________ 20.使富裕、充实________________
1.由于、因为___________________ 2.现在、目前___________________
3.例如______________________ 4.走近,提出___________________
5.利用,使用________________ 6.扮演一个角色,参与________________
1.① One should always base one’s opinions on facts.
② The film is based on a novel by Laoshe.
③ Shanghai is the most important industrial base of china.
总结:base:① v.
练习:Many students believe the choice of their courses and universities should __________ their own interest.
A. be based on B. base on
C. be basing on D . base at
2.① He commanded me to start at once.
② He commanded that the students should not leave the classroom before he returned.
③ He takes the command of an army.
④ Applicants(申请人)will be expected to have a good command of French.
拓展:at/ by sb’s command:听某人支配
under one’s command= under the command of sb:由---支配
练习:In order to have a good _________ of English , he resigned and went abroad.
A. command B. need
C. master D . direction
3.① You are requested not to smoke in the restaurant.
② She requested that no one should be told of her decision.
③ It is requested that the case should be looked into again.
④ He was ther at the request of his manager.

练习:The old woman standing over there just requested the criminal(犯罪分子)________.
A. would be punished B. should punish
C. be punished D . could be punished
4.① He came to me and asked for a light.
② The sun has come up.
③ Your question came up at the meeting.
④ I will let you know if anything comes up.
总结:come up:①

练习:① It is hoped that the proposal(提议)will __________ at the meeting.
A. come up B. be come up
C. turn up D .be turned up
②---Have you ___________ some new ideas?
—-Yeah, I’ll tell later.
A. come about B. come into
C. come up with D . come out with
He has changed so much that I can hardly recognize him.
recognize sb to be/ as/ that----
we all recognize him to be a great leader.
He didn’t recognize that he had made a big mistake.
③n. recognition
练习:--- Oh, it's you. I _______ you.
---I’ve just had my hair cut and I’m wearing new glasses.
A. didn’t recognize B. hadn’t recognized
C. haven’t recognized D . don’t recognize
2. block
①n. 大块、 大楼,街区
a block of ice an office block
②v. 堵塞,挡住
block off:封锁,堵住
block out:挡住,遮住
block up:塞住,封住
block sb from doing---阻止某人做---=keep/ stop/ prevent/ discourage sb from doing---
3.make use of:利用,使用
充分利用:make fuul use of=make the most of=make the best of=take full advantage of
① The manager of the company told us that little _________ was made of the waste material in the past.
A. cost B. value
C. use D . matter
② The money collected should be made good use _____________ the people who suffered a lot in this terrible earthquake.
A. of helping B. to help
C. to helping D . of to help

1.They made a ________(请求)for aid because of the blood.
2.Mr. Smith lives in the a_______ above us.
3. Luckily, his health is __________(逐渐地) improving.
4.He made two suggestions. The l_________ seemed much better.
7.He speaks with a strong southern a_________.
8.He had lost his i_______ card and was being questioned by the police.
9. Visitors are r________ not to touch the paintings.
10. I r________ Peter although I hadn't seen him for 10 years.
11. Mr. Henry is from America and her n_________ language is English.
12. The child has a very large ____________(词汇量) for his age.
1. 联合国在国际关系中起着重要作用.
2. 最后,他承认他偷了钱.
3. 这本书是根据中学生的日常生活写的,所以很受学生们的欢迎.
4. 每个人都应该遵守他的命令,七点之前到这儿.
1.He is good at English, and now he is planing to learn ________ second language.
A. the B. a
C. / D . more
2.The police _________ the driver to stop the car immediately because it was running too fast in the street.
A. begged B. hoped
C. commanded D . requested
3.Mr.Johnson __________Jenny from the picture the moment he saw it.
A. realized B. learned
C. recognized D . understand
4.You should __________ any opportunities you have to practise English.
A. make use of B. play a part in
C. get along with D . make fun of
5. ____________role she played in the film! No wonder she has won Oscar.
A. How interesting B. How an interesting
C.What interesting D . What an interesting
拿新课标 第一模块的二单元为例:
Unit 2 English around the world

Part one(单词)

一、 根据汉语提示,写出单词
1.官方的,正式的______________ 2.本地的/人________________
3.航行/海___________________ 4.adv.实际上_______________
5.vt.以---为根据_______________ 6.adv.逐渐地________________
7.词汇__________________ 8.本身、身份_________________
9.adv.流利地_________________ 10.adv.频繁地_________________
11.v/n.命令、掌握_______________ 12.辨认、认出________________
13.口音,腔调__________________ 14.直的,笔直的_______________
15.较后的、后者________________ 16.请求、要求_________________
17.词语、表达__________________ 18.街区,石块_________________
19.征服,占领__________________ 20.使富裕、充实________________
1.由于、因为___________________ 2.现在、目前___________________
3.例如______________________ 4.走近,提出___________________
5.利用,使用________________ 6.扮演一个角色,参与________________
1.① One should always base one’s opinions on facts.
② The film is based on a novel by Laoshe.
③ Shanghai is the most important industrial base of china.
总结:base:① v.
练习:Many students believe the choice of their courses and universities should __________ their own interest.
A. be based on B. base on
C. be basing on D . base at
2.① He commanded me to start at once.
② He commanded that the students should not leave the classroom before he returned.
③ He takes the command of an army.
④ Applicants(申请人)will be expected to have a good command of French.
拓展:at/ by sb’s command:听某人支配
under one’s command= under the command of sb:由---支配
练习:In order to have a good _________ of English , he resigned and went abroad.
A. command B. need
C. master D . direction
3.① You are requested not to smoke in the restaurant.
② She requested that no one should be told of her decision.
③ It is requested that the case should be looked into again.
④ He was ther at the request of his manager.

练习:The old woman standing over there just requested the criminal(犯罪分子)________.
A. would be punished B. should punish
C. be punished D . could be punished
4.① He came to me and asked for a light.
② The sun has come up.
③ Your question came up at the meeting.
④ I will let you know if anything comes up.
总结:come up:①

练习:① It is hoped that the proposal(提议)will __________ at the meeting.
A. come up B. be come up
C. turn up D .be turned up
②---Have you ___________ some new ideas?
—-Yeah, I’ll tell later.
A. come about B. come into
C. come up with D . come out with
He has changed so much that I can hardly recognize him.
recognize sb to be/ as/ that----
we all recognize him to be a great leader.
He didn’t recognize that he had made a big mistake.
③n. recognition
练习:--- Oh, it's you. I _______ you.
---I’ve just had my hair cut and I’m wearing new glasses.
A. didn’t recognize B. hadn’t recognized
C. haven’t recognized D . don’t recognize
2. block
①n. 大块、 大楼,街区
a block of ice an office block
②v. 堵塞,挡住
block off:封锁,堵住
block out:挡住,遮住
block up:塞住,封住
block sb from doing---阻止某人做---=keep/ stop/ prevent/ discourage sb from doing---
3.make use of:利用,使用
充分利用:make fuul use of=make the most of=make the best of=take full advantage of
① The manager of the company told us that little _________ was made of the waste material in the past.
A. cost B. value
C. use D . matter
② The money collected should be made good use _____________ the people who suffered a lot in this terrible earthquake.
A. of helping B. to help
C. to helping D . of to help

1.They made a ________(请求)for aid because of the blood.
2.Mr. Smith lives in the a_______ above us.
3. Luckily, his health is __________(逐渐地) improving.
4.He made two suggestions. The l_________ seemed much better.
7.He speaks with a strong southern a_________.
8.He had lost his i_______ card and was being questioned by the police.
9. Visitors are r________ not to touch the paintings.
10. I r________ Peter although I hadn't seen him for 10 years.
11. Mr. Henry is from America and her n_________ language is English.
12. The child has a very large ____________(词汇量) for his age.
1. 联合国在国际关系中起着重要作用.
2. 最后,他承认他偷了钱.
3. 这本书是根据中学生的日常生活写的,所以很受学生们的欢迎.
4. 每个人都应该遵守他的命令,七点之前到这儿.
1.He is good at English, and now he is planing to learn ________ second language.
A. the B. a
C. / D . more
2.The police _________ the driver to stop the car immediately because it was running too fast in the street.
A. begged B. hoped
C. commanded D . requested
3.Mr.Johnson __________Jenny from the picture the moment he saw it.
A. realized B. learned
C. recognized D . understand
4.You should __________ any opportunities you have to practise English.
A. make use of B. play a part in
C. get along with D . make fun of
5. ____________role she played in the film! No wonder she has won Oscar.
A. How interesting B. How an interesting
C.What interesting D . What an interesting